Tuia te rangi ki runga
Tuia te papa ki raro,
Puata i te mārama a nuku, a rangi
Ki te whai ao,
Ki te ao mārama,
Tihei mauri ora.
The Committee of Management of Parininihi ki Waitōtara Incorporation are pleased to announce the appointment of Aisha Ross as our new Te Rau Matomato – Chief Executive Officer.
Aisha, from Ngāruahine, Ngāti Ruanui, Taranaki, Te Ātiawa and Te Whakatōhea, returns to the PKW whānau having previously served as an Associate Director, then as a Committee of Management Board Member.
He brings a wealth of knowledge and skills from across the investment, education, marketing, agriculture, property, and public sectors. He also holds a various directorships and trusteeships.
Aisha has held a number of senior leadership roles and most recently, as a General Partner at Hillfarrance Venture Capital, an early-stage venture capital firm investing in high-growth technology.
His true passion lies in supporting the growth and development of our people. As the Director of Innovation and Entrepreneurship at Te Wānanga o Aotearoa he led out a large team of kaimahi that focused on achieving commercial innovation with positive social and cultural outcomes.
While in this role he pioneered the establishment of Ahikōmako – the Centre of Māori Innovation and Entrepreneurship which provided innovators and whānau enterprises with support to achieve economic success. He also led out Pakihi, Startup Wānanga and Kōkiri Māori Business Accelerator– introductory to intense programmes to provide the right support for Māori entrepreneurs across Aotearoa, to achieve their business aspirations.
He has a strong commitment to the PKW kaupapa through his whakapapa and whānau connections, and is proud to serve our shareholders, whānau, and kaimahi in the pursuit of collective growth and prosperity – He Tangata, He Whenua, He Oranga.
The journey to this point he merits to the legacy of his grandmother Rangimaimaiao Ross (nee King), and the unwavering support from his mother, Vivienne, Uncle Harry Ross, and his late great-aunt Mana Jenkins.
Aisha will officially join the PKW kaimahi whānau on Monday the 24th of April 2023.
He mihi maioha ki a koutou katoa,
Committee of Management
Parininihi ki Waitōtara Incorporation